SubSounds LP is a group of participants aged 14-18 that meet every Wednesday from 6-9pm, and 11-4pm on midterm breaks, in Rua Red Arts Centre in Tallaght. During these sessions participants take part in workshops covering basic musicianship, ensemble playing, songwriting and performing. They write and arrange songs that are worked on in groups, adding band arrangements under the guidance of the tutors.
The participants have the opportunity to try out and play new instruments, and perform them as part of a band.
The SubSounds LP group work towards creating a collaborative album of their original songs that they write throughout the year. This album is recorded in the famous Studio 1 of Windmill Lane Recording Studio in Dublin City. The group then launch this album at a gig in a live music venue in Dublin. Our most recent album launch took place in The Sugar Club on Leeson Street, Dublin 2.
The 6-month course costs €390.
“When I’m at SubSounds I can just forget what I’m worried about or anything that’s on my mind... I can just drench myself in music”
Workshops take place every Wednesday evening from 6pm - 9pm.
During the October and February mid-term breaks workshops run for SubSounds LP from 11am - 3:30pm, with a break for lunch between 1pm and 1:45pm.
Term 1: October mid-term break until the Christmas break
During this term participants are encouraged to try out instruments they have never played before, and are offered tuition in vocals, guitar, bass, keyboard and drums. Guest musicians come in to give masterclasses in various aspects of musicianship and to give participants an insight into pursuing music as a profession. This term is brought to a close with a live performance in Rua Red of the new work created before the Christmas break.
At the end of the first term, the group performs stripped down acoustic versions of the songs that have been written to an invited audience in the Performance Space in RUA RED.
Term 2: January until the Easter break
Participants have the opportunity to further develop their musicianship, songwriting skills and ensemble playing. There is a greater emphasis on preparing new pieces for recording and performance. At the end of the February mid term break, all SubSounds LP participants take part in a one day recording session in Windmill Lane studio in Ringsend to make their album for that year. The recordings are mixed in CONTACT Studio and the album is uploaded to all major streaming platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music.
The end of the programme is marked by an album launch, which takes place in a live music venue in Dublin City around the time of the Easter mid-term break. Participants are encouraged to collaborate as much as possible, with the aim that each participant takes part in as many songs as they can.
Throughout both terms, all participants have access to free rehearsal times in the music rooms in RUA RED South Dublin Arts Centre so that they can spend time outside the Wednesday and mid-term workshops rehearsing and working on their material.